Two years ago Facebook purchased WhatsApp 19,000 million dollars, an amount which, in its time, was considered crazy. With the inclusion of the annual fee of about a dollar to reapply 2,300 million users would be required to capitalize on service purchase, unthinkable and would not achieve. For this the company has dispensed with an annual fee not lead anywhere, and he did run a risk that many users will end up moving to other messaging applications like free or WeChat Telegram.
Along with the announcement of the abolition of the quota, a strategic change was made to approach the business world. However, the idea had long since WhatsApp plans, and the idea is that every company has invoked the application to facilitate contact between companies with their customers, avoiding the annoying call centers. This business service will be available later this year, and is only an intermediate step towards the future of WhatsApp: become a community, a platform for social content.
The messaging app concept has hardly evolved in WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, but in its Asian rivals like Line or WeChat. These platforms are not just a messaging app, is itself a portal where they can access their own application store, exclusive games and services and make an appointment with your doctor or see the traffic, with certain surcharges to users.
The messaging app concept has hardly evolved in WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, but in its Asian rivals like Line or WeChat. These platforms are not just a messaging app, is itself a portal where they can access their own application store, exclusive games and services and make an appointment with your doctor or see the traffic, with certain surcharges to users.
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